Friday, March 15, 2013

Refreshing the Mexican Saltillo tiles

I arrive here at Home Depot for supplies. As you can see it is a beautiful sunny day! Perfect for when drying speed is critical.

Shopping done. Stripper/Cleaner, Wet Look sealer, Mop, Roller, and a Peruvian lily in Orange.
Oh and my Starbucks of course, this is L.A.

Here is the 'Before' floor after I vacuumed it.

The mopping, scrubbing and bucket toting begins. It is also 80 degrees, and I have to leave this stripper on the floor for an hour without allowing it to dry. So basically I kept mopping for an hour.

It took many buckets of clean water to mop up the stripper. Angelina took over mopping up the stripper giving me a much needed break. Here is the floor after it dried. The mopping and scrubbing were a LOT of work.

This stuff looks just like non-fat milk. It is applied with a roller, coat by coat but not more than 4 coats the instructions said.

After coat one.

The 'After' floor with a final fourth coat. Now it dries for the night.

I love this floor and all its imperfections. The yellows, golds, reds and terra cottas are so pretty.

1 comment:

  1. All that hard work was worth it, the tiles look fantastic :-)
