Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'll get you my Pretty. .

If you have seen the rest of this Blog, then you know that all of the rooms were painted before we moved in, with 2 exceptions. The two bathrooms. This place has actually what is considered one full bathroom sink, tub/shower/commode. and one 'half bath' commode and sink. 

First a few little repairs

I have been going back and forth with what theme to do the bathrooms. I wanted to start with the front and larger of the two. Some of the themes I have mulled over have been Alice in Wonderland, Nightmare before Christmas or a sort of Skull & Crossbones theme. 

The bathroom was all white, with a dark green tile floor which I had put in years ago and actually still like. But white on white is pretty boring, when the whole house is full of bold colors. My daughter & Step daughter Angelina and Sarah said last Saturday afternoon "lets paint this thing". Who am I to turn down such an offer?

So off I went to get some paint. And while paint shopping, an idea that had been in the back of my thoughts popped up and said 'Pick me!'
It's the perfect color and theme. Wicked Witch Green!

Angelina hard at work!

Even a bold color like this needed 3-4 coats to really cover.

The old pale gold framed mirror gets a fresh coat of shiny black from Sarah.

 The mirror in back in place

Black & White skull towelettes 

Add a few Wicked Witch mementos

And POOF! all done!
One bathroom all done. One to go.

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